10th Birthday Party Ideas

The best birthday party ideas for ten year olds! Birthday party themes, games, activities and a party time line too. Great ideas that will keep 10 year olds busy and having fun during the
whole party.
10th Birthday Themes
Top 10 Birthday Party Themes for 10 year olds1.
Art Party
Movie Party5.
Pool Party7.
SurvivorOr choose from over 200 more birthday party themes on our huge list of
party ideas for 10 year olds! Each theme includes party games, activities, invitation and decoration ideas, plus fun ideas for party favors and party food! Pick and choose your favorite ideas and put them together for an unforgettable birthday for 10 year olds!
Ten Year Old Birthday Party ThemesBirthday Party Games for 10 Year Olds
Fun birthday party games for 10 year olds and Tweens - ages 10, 11 and 12 years old. Group games that encourage every guest to participate and have fun together.
Tween Party GamesTween Minute to Win It Games
are great for parties! All of the games are easy to learn so everyone can participate. The games also use cheap and inexpensive household items as props. Set up stations where players can rotate
or play one game at a time. Over 20 tween party games to choose from - pick your favorites!
Tween Minute to Win It Games 10th Birthday Fun Ideas
Tween Party Ideas - 10, 11 and 12 year olds - Fun ideas for tween birthday parties!
10 Fun Games for Ten Year Olds that use household
items to play. Easy and cheap games for boys and girls parties. Print out the list and you'll have plenty of fun for all the party guests.
Squirt Gun Games - some of our favorite outdoor games to play with squirt guns. Let the party guests have fun playing the games and then send the squirt guns home with the guests as party favors after the party. Search the page for links to more
outdoor party games for kids.
Mall Scavenger Hunts
Mall Scavenger Hunts- This fun birthday party game involves tweens being set loose in the mall tofollow the instructions on their list. There are
8 mall scavenger hunts
to choose from - complete with free lists for the mall scavenger hunts that require a list.
Mall Scavenger Hunts has a complete list of the mall scavenger hunts and free lists.
Mall Scavenger Hunts include: Freebie Shopping Spree
a 2 z
One Color
Super Shopper
Salesperson Scramble
Ultimate Mall Hunt
Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
Would You Rather GameFun party game idea for 10th birthday parties! Over 200 fun questions!
Would You Rather GameTruth or Dare Game
Complete rules and directions for the game of Truth or Dare along with free dares and questions to print out. rules and directions for the game of Truth or Dare along with free dares and questions to print out.
Free list truth / dare questionsTruth or Dare Pop
This game gives a twist to the popular Truth or Dare game (see above). Print out the list of truth questions and dare ideas and then cut them into individual strips of paper. Fold and put them inside balloons - dares in one color of balloon and truths in another. Blow the balloons up and tie with the paper inside each balloon. Assign
each guest a number 2 - 12. The fist person rolls two dice and the number that comes up on the dice is the number of the preteen that has to pop a balloon and then do the truth or dare that is on the
paper inside. After they are done with their truth or dare then they get to roll the dice to see who goes next. Variation: Instead of using two different colors of balloons to separate the truths from the dares use a
mixture of colors so no one knows if they are getting a truth or a dare when they chose a balloon.
The Big Ten Drama Game Shopping and Drama in one amazingly fun game for ten year olds! Put 5 different items in several large shopping bags. A shoe, hat, party favor etc. - just make sure the items in each bag are different. Divide into teams and then give the team one bag. Send them to different spots away from each
other. They have to create a play or skit which incorporates every items they have in their bag. Give them 10 minutes to practice their skit and then they perform the skits for everyone.. You might want to video the finished
skits. Variation: Tweens can create a commercial, tribute or a song.
Swimming Pool Party Games for TweensSee the complete list of fun
swimming pool games and ideas for 9, 10, 11 and 12
year old tweens
Video Scavenger Hunt Write down a list of funny and crazy things that the participants must do.
Divide the players into teams. Give teams a time limit (1 hour or 1 1/2 hours).
The teams have to be back at the starting point within the time limit or deduct 1 point per minute they are late. Send teams out with a supervising adult to drive. Teams will video themselves doing all the things on the Video Scavenger Hunt list within the time limit.
The items on the list can have all the same point value (10 points) or make harder tasks worth more points.
Some fun ideas for a video scavenger hunt list are:
Making a human pyramid
Walking a strangers dog
Sliding down a slide at a park
Standing in front of their school sign
Singing a Christmas carol with a stranger
Find a strange item in Walmart
Rolling down a hill
Make a list with at least 25 items that relate to your hometown and surroundings.
Watch the videos when they return to assign points and to find out who won.
Lots of crazy fun at a 10th birthday!
Picture Scavenger Hunt Party guests use cell phone cameras and get pictures of the things that are on their "to do" list. See the examples above for fun ideas.
Bigger the Better Hunt This is really a different style of game that doesn't require a list. Trade a small item for a better or bigger item at each house the team stops
at during the game.
Give teams a small item like a quarter or pencil. They have to trade the item for a better item at each house they stop at during the hunt. If you have two teams let
one team take the even and the other the odd number houses so they won't go to the same house twice. For example: Trade the quarter for a pen ... then trade
the pen for a small knick knack ... then trade the knick knack for a picture ... etc. After the time limit the team that comes back with the best or biggest item wins! Friends played and one of the teams came back carrying a TV! Great game for 9,
10, 11 and 12 years old!
Wear That!You will need a bag filled with crazy clothes and items to wear. Some fun ideas are feather boas, bikinis, funny glasses, high heels, large underwear, hats, etc. for this dress up game ... the more outrageous the better. Place all the items in a large shopping or black garbage bag.
Have the players one at a time roll one dice. If the dice lands on a 1 or a 6 then they must take an item from the bag
and put it on over their clothes. Keep playing until all the items are being worn. The person that has on the fewest things wins.
Variation: Instead of having the person rolling the dice choose from the bag have the person to their right choose something from the bag for them to wear.
10th Birthday Auction Game
In the party invitation include a request that each of the party guests bring a wrapped item or inexpensive gift. Something under $10.00 or even a gift that they received that they want to re-gift. Place the gifts together when they arrive at the party.
Instead of asking guests to bring a gift with them you can purchase inexpensive
items and wrap them before guests arrive. Then the guests can take home their item after the party as a party favor. Or combine the two and give the guests more money so that they can bid on more than 1 item during the auction.
Give players $20.00 in play or monopoly money. They will use the play money to
bid on the wrapped gifts. Begin an auction by holding up the first gift and auctioning it off to the guests. With any other left over auction money tweens can bid on who gets the first piece of 10th birthday cake to who chooses the music.
Nail Polish Spin the Bottle Game
Fun party game for 10 year old girls - play it at a sleepover, spa or birthday party too! Choose bright shades of colorful nail polish and place them in the center of the guests. One girl spins a nail polish bottle and the girl that the cap stops at has to paint a fingernail that color.
When they are done they choose a shade of polish and they spin ... keep going until everyone's fingernails are polished in different colors. Continue the game by painting toes too! Take pictures to remember the fun nail color combinations!
Fun Mystery Dinner Game
Fun game that keeps the kids wondering what they are ordering for dinner ... fun when they finally figure out how the game is played and they get something to eat. Play this game if you're serving dinner during the 10th birthday party and you have extra people that can be the waiters and order takers. You will need several waiters to serve the kids quickly. Complete set up and menu
Mystery Dinner Game page.
Size 10 Party Game
This birthday game really gets everyone involved! Before the party draw a giant game board on the sidewalk or driveway. The spaces on the game board need to be large enough for a preteen to stand in comfortably.
Make one space the starting space and fill in the other spaces with things the players have to do
while in that space. Some fun examples for the squares are: Hop on one leg, cluck like a chicken, say "Yowza" after everything anyone says, turn around in circles, give everyone a high five, etc.
Dice can be made by covering 2 large square boxes. The tween players themselves are the playing pieces and they move themselves through the game board.
Winner is the one who reaches the last space first on an exact.
Foil Fashion Tween Make Over Given only aluminum foil teams (or individuals) have to use only the foil to make a runway outfit. Skirts, shirts, tanks, shoes, high heels, jewelry, tiaras, dresses ... whatever they can make that is fashionable.
This is a fun and creative dress up
game where the players make their own clothes! Fun for a 10th birthday! Afterwards have a runway show and take pics of all the fashions.
Commercial Birthday Game The first player stands up on their turn. One person chooses an item from around the room and hands it to the person standing up. The first player then has to make a 30 second commercial for the item they were given. Keep playing until everyone has had a turn.
Quack, Quack, Who's There? All you need to play this party game is a blindfold and chairs for everyone to sit in. Place the chairs in a circle facing each other
and have all the birthday guests find a seat. The person who is "it" puts on the blindfold and stands in the middle of the circle.
On "go" the rest of the players change seats several times so that "it" doesn't know who is sitting where in the circle. Then the person who is "it" moves around the circle and chooses someone's lap to sit in. They sit down and the person who is seated says "Quack, quack!" while trying to disguise their voice.
"It" tries to guess who the person is by their voice. If they guess the person correctly then they take that persons spot in the circle and the the one who was sitting down stands up, takes the blindfold and becomes the new "it".
Fun and silly and a 10 year old favorite!
Skittle Challenge Play this game with skittles candy or any colorful candy. Place the candy into a big bowl. Sit down and without looking choose 2 candies. Put the two candies inside your mouth. If the candies are the same colors then chew them. But if they are different you keep them inside your mouth until another turn. Then you choose two more to see if you can get a pair.
Toilet Paper Share
You'll need a new roll of toilet paper for this fun party game. Gather the tweens together and make a circle. Tell them that you are going to pass around the sleepover game toilet paper roll and to take as much as they think they need for the game. Pass the paper around without any further instructions and they will take sheets off the roll. After everyone has their sheets then tell them they have to share one thing about themselves for each square of toilet paper they have.
Candy Hunt Party Game
Before the party starts hide lots of candy all over the 10th Birthday Party area. When it's dark give out flashlights to the players and have them search for the candy using the flashlight. Provide each player with a sack to hold
the candy that they find. Let the players take home the candy after the party as a party favor.
Scavenger HuntsScavenger hunts can be played many different ways and we have over 7 different varieties to choose from for tweens and young teens! Each has a free list of fun items to
find. If you are looking for something different for kids 10, 11 and 12 years old (Tweens) try the Bigger
and Better scavenger hunt! Birthday party
scavenger hunt ideas and free lists to print out!
Birthday Party Ideas for Kids:7th8th9th11th12th