Birthday Party Ideas for Kids, Tweens and Teenagers
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Truth or Dare Game


good truth or dare game instructions and how to play


Truth or Dare game questions, ideas and rules. 

Clean and Rated G truth and dare questions for kids through teens.

Truth or Dare is a fun group birthday game for older kids and tweens (pre-teens ages 10, 11, 12) and teenagers.  

Truth Questions - Print out our fun and unique truth questions here - Truth Questions 
Over 50 fun and unique truth or dare kids questions for the game of truth or dare.  Rated G for all ages. 

Dare Ideas - Print out our funny and crazy dares here -  Dare Ideas
50 FREE "dares" for kids, tweens and teenagers.  
A list of over 50 good and funny dares that are cool to play with friends.   


How to Play Truth or Dare

Print out the free lists of good Truth and Dare questions for kids, tweens and teenagers on the website.  

Cut the truth questions and dares into separate pieces and fold so that players can not see what is written on the paper as they are choosing a truth or a dare.  

Place in two containers - one for truths and the other for dares. Label the containers with a sign so that players will know what they are choosing.  

One at a time players choose either a truth or a dare.  After that player has completed their truth or dare then the next player has a turn.

If the player's choice is "truth" - then they pick a truth question from the "truth container" and read the question out loud.  They then choose to answer the truth question or, if they don't want to answer the question then they can choose a dare.  

But ... if they player chooses a dare then they must do the dare no matter what it is.  After they have completed the truth or the dare they get to pick the next player.

To keep the game tame and under control we have listed over 50 kids questions and dare ideas that can be printed out for free.    

All of them are fun, clean and rated G.   

Truth or Dare Questions for kids, tweens and teens.     Share your Truth and Dare Questions

Share your funny or crazy good truth or dare questions for kids, tweens and teens with us and we will list them on the site for others to use. 

Truth or Dare Game Tips

A good rule for truth or dare for kids is not to make anyone feel uncomfortable. 

Only choose the questions and dares that you would feel comfortable doing yourself. 

Play the Truth or Dare game at your next Sleepover ... see our special Slumber party guide for more fun games.

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  Tween party games

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