Goodnight Moon Party Ideas

Bring the children's classic book Goodnight Moon to life with these great
birthday party ideas for kids!
Goodnight Moon party supplies from Amazon
Goodnight Moon Activities
Mouse treasure hunt - the mouse can be found on every page of the
Goodnight Moon book, but you have to look for it! Set up a simple
treasure hunt by hiding plastic eggs or a similar object around the party
area, backyard or park.
In one of the eggs hide a small
stuffed mouse. The child who finds the mouse wins a small prize. Hide
the mouse in a different egg and then hide all the eggs again - children
love this game. You can also decorate the eggs to look like mice by
drawing on ears, eyes and some whiskers on one end of the egg and a long
tail on the others side with permanent marker.
Variation: Buy a stuffed mouse and hide it for the children to
Decorate cookies - Make sugar cookies in the shapes of stars, cows,
bunnies or houses and let the children decorate them with frosting and
different toppings.
Goodnight Moon Party Games
Goodnight Relay
be the fastest team to
say goodnight to a line up of objects. Before the birthday party collect 2 of
each of these objects: stuffed kitten, pair of mittens, cow, little toy
house, mouse, 3 bears (or a picture of them), comb, brush. Line
the objects in a long row.
Divide children into 2 teams and
have them stand in back of one another. One by one they must go
down the line and say "Goodnight" to each one of the objects. When
they are done they must run back to the front of their line and
tag the next person to go. Give each team a prize.
Pin the Moon on the Sky
played like Pin
the Tail on the Donkey. On a large blue poster board draw or paste
stars all over it and draw an outline of a moon. Make bright
yellow moons that match the outline on the poster. Place double stick
tape to each moon and write the children's names on each moon.
Hang the poster on a wall.
Line the children up and
blindfold the first child. Turn them around 3 times and have them
try to stick their moon closest to the outlined moon on the poster.
Variation: Instead of Pin the Moon on the Sky make it Pin the Tail on
the Bunny (use pom pom's or cotton balls), Pin the Cow over the Moon,
fun games for children ages 2, 3 and 4
Goodnight Moon Food ideas
Serve cake and ice cream in bowls and call it a "bowl full of mush".
Goodnight Moon Party Favor Ideas
Stuffed Mouse
Copy of the Goodnight Moon book
Pair of mittens
Small toy house
Comb and a brush
Stuffed Bunny
Goody / Loot bag ideas
Wrap party favors up in a blue and white striped bandana and tie with
twine or ribbon.
Small wicker basket lined with a blue/white polka dotted bandana or star
Dark blue bags with star stickers on the outside.
I read this book to all 4 of my children when
they were little - it was one of their favorite bedtime stories.
While researching I found a little trivia about Goodnight Moon on
Wikipedia - some of these things I knew and some I had never noticed in
all the times reading the book. Enjoy!
Use these fun Goodnight Moon facts to make a trivia game for the
adults that attend the party. (Works especially well for 1st birthdays
and toddler parties.) The player that gets the most correct answers
The hands on the clock progress from 7 to 8:10 PM
The young mouse and kittens wander around the room.
The mouse can be found in all the pages of the book - search for him!
The red balloon over the bed disappears and then reappears at the end.
The light in the room gets darker on every page.
The moon rises in the left window.
The socks disappear from the drying rack.
The book that is open on the bookshelf is "The Runaway Bunny"
The book on the nightstand is "Goodnight Moon".
The mailbox in the picture of the cow jumping over the moon sometimes
In the three bears painting their is a painting of the cow jumping over
the moon.
The number of books in the bookshelf changes.
The pendulum of the clock disappears in the final scene.
The stripes on the bunny's pajamas change.
The word "bunny" is gone off the brush on the last page.