Toddler Birthday Party Ideas

Toddler party ideas for
children in the toddler age range 1, 2 and 3 years old
Favorite party
ideas for toddlers on one page for
easy access while planning a party.
Along with party
games, activities, party food and favor ideas we've included
some great party tips from parents to make the birthday event
run smoothly.
Toddler Party Games
Toddler Birthday Activities
Toddler Party Favor ideas
Toddler Party Food ideas
Toddler Birthday Party tips
1. Blowing Bubbles
Toddlers love to play with bubbles.
There are many fun games you can play with the kids using a large bottle
of bubbles and a few different wands.
Popping Bubbles
Tell the toddlers to try and pop the bubbles before they touch the
ground. Have the kids stand or sit around you in a
semi-circle and have an adult sit in front of them and blow bubbles.
Help the younger toddlers pop them with their fingers or in a clapping
2. Blowing Bubbles
Let the kids blow bubbles using a wand that they hold or have an adult
hold the bubble wand for them.
3. Bubble Chase
Blow bubbles and let the kids chase them around the yard. For this
game the kids don't pop the bubbles, they just see how long they can
follow one bubble before it pops.
Give away bubbles as party favors
- print out large labels with your child's picture
"Thank you for sharing my ___
More bubble games:
See our huge list of fun
games to play with bubbles .
Bubble Recipe: Make your own homemade bubbles
with these great
bubble recipes.
Color Time!
Give each toddler a large white poster board and let them use
crayons or washable markers to color in the whole poster board.
Tape the poster board to the table so it doesn't move around ... or if
it is a nice day tape them to a fence to make an outdoor easel.
Duck Duck Goose Game
Toddlers sit in circle on the floor. Choose one child to
start the game. They walk around the outside of the circle
patting each child on the head as they walk around. For each
child they will call out "Duck", "Duck", "Duck" and when they choose a
child to be the goose they pat them on the head and call out "Goose!".
After they choose the "goose" they have to try and run around the circle
and sit in the goose's place before the "goose" can get up and catch
them. Both children have to run the same direction. If the goose doesn’t tag the
first player
then the goose becomes "it" and the game starts again.Toddlers sit in circle on the floor. Choose one child to
start the game.
They walk around the outside of the circle
patting each child on the head as they walk around. For each
child they will call out "Duck", "Duck", "Duck" and when they choose a
child to be the goose they pat them on the head and call out "Goose!".
After they choose the "goose" they have to try and run around the circle
and sit in the goose's place before the "goose" can get up and catch
them. Both children have to run the same direction. If the goose doesn’t tag the
first player
then the goose becomes "it" and the game starts again.
Duck Pond
Toddlers choose a duck from the "pond" and win a prize that matches the
number on the bottom of the duck. This game is fun and easy!
Before the party buy small prizes and assign them a number. On the
bottom of the ducks write a number that matches the prize numbers in
permanent marker. If a child picks up a duck with the number 3 on
the bottom then they receive a prize that is marked 3.
You can also make some ducks have a * on the bottom which is players
choice of prizes. Give the ducks away as party favors after
the party.
Hokey Pokey
Toddlers love this active game. Stand with the toddlers in a
large circle and begin to sing the Hokey Pokey song ... "Put your right
arm in, take your right out, put your right arm in and shake it all
about "... don't worry if they get the correct arm - they will have fun
no matter what arm they put in! "You do the Hokey Pokey and you
turn yourself around (turn around) and that's what it's all about!"
Continue the song substituting left arm, right leg, left leg, head and
whole body using the same verse.
Fishing Game
Kids get prizes from mystery fish! A
fun game that keeps the kids wondering who is in the water
giving out the prizes! You will need lots of small prizes
to give away because kids like to play this game over and over.
Make a fishing pole from a stick or bamboo pole by tying string
to one end and a clothespin to the other end. The water needs to
be big enough for the "fish" not to be seen - an appliance or
large cardboard box will work ... or simply place a blue
tablecloth over a table and have the fish sit under it.
Kids will throw their line over into the water and the "fish"
attach a prize to their line using the clothespin.
Freeze Dancing
Toddlers love to dance and this game makes it even more fun! Play
some dancing music and have the kids dance. Tell them that when
the music stops they have to freeze and not move until the music starts
again. Play the music and then stop it and have everyone freeze
... then start the music again, and again, and again!
Kids turning 2, 3 and 4 love parades. Make your own birthday party
parade by giving children musical instruments - drums, shakers, horns,
etc. and have them follow you around the house or yard playing their
"birthday song".
Or have the children follow you with
streamers or ribbons and have a dance parade. If the children all
have doll
strollers or wagons let them parade with their dolls and
stuffed animals.
Prize Walk Birthday Game
A fun party game and also a fun way for the kids to learn their
numbers. It is played similar to a cake walk ... instead
of giving cakes as prizes you give out small prizes or candy.
You could also give out cupcakes. You will need to write
the numbers one through twelve on colorful paper and tape them
to the floor in a circle. Explain to the kids that
while the music plays they will walk around the numbers on the
circle and when they hear the music stop they will stop on the
the number they are standing on. When the music stops roll
two dice. The number on the dice is the number on the
floor that wins a prize.
Ring around the rosy
Children stand in a circle holding hands and walk around in a circle
while they sing "Ring around the rosy, a pocket
full of posies, ashes,
ashes we all ... fall ... down!" After singing "all fall down",
children fall to the ground.
Then repeat!
Sidewalk chalk
Give children large sticks of chalk and let them draw on the sidewalk,
porch are fun for all ages!
Use our
sidewalk chalk games and activities
idea page for inspiration! Over 30 fun ways to use sidewalk chalk.
Sock Bean Bag Toss
You will need several new
socks in bright colors filled with beans and then tied with a knot to
close them. Make targets using buckets or laundry baskets.
Set them at different distances from the toddlers and take turns
throwing the socks into the baskets.
Treasure Hunting Game
Choose large plastic eggs, balls, party favors or any item from your
birthday party theme and hide around the
living room, backyard or park
while the children aren't looking. Hold up one item like the ones
you have hidden
and tell them to search and find the items. The
one who finds the most items gets to help hide the objects for
the next
round. Have children return the items to a basket and hide the
items again... and again. Extra
... after the games divide the treasure hunt items equally and send them
home as party favors.
Toddler Party Games
Party Stations
Set up several party stations for the toddlers to go between. Some
toddler friendly ideas are:
Block station - let the kids build with
blocks. You can have an adult at the table encouraging them
to complete a task such as building a high tower by them self or working
together to build one tower.
Play Dough -
Set out cookie cutters and
rollers and let them make a birthday cake or their own creation.
We have some great homemade
Play Dough recipes
you can use.
Art Station -
Let the kids fingers
paint or color pictures that they can take home with them after the
Bounce House
A bounce house is always a great way to use up some of a toddler's extra
Decorate Cupcakes or Cookies
Give each child a cupcake or a large cookie and let them
decorate it with sprinkles and candies. To make it easier you
might want to give each child their own plastic bowl with candies they
can use for their cupcake or cookie. Have adult put icing on for
the kids.
Toddler Games
and Activities from Amazon
Toddler Birthday Party Places
Fun places for toddlers birthday parties can be found on our party
venue page. Great ideas for a party near you with no cleanup!
Toddler Party Venues
Party Favor Ideas
Coloring book and crayons
Packages of goldfish crackers
Small containers of play dough
Small stuffed animal
Finger puppets
Board book
Party Food Ideas
Animal Crackers
Goldfish Crackers
Fruit (cut up in small pieces) with yogurt dip
Cotton candy
Ice Cream in cups or cones
Macaroni and cheese
Toddler Party Tips
Some tips from Toddler Mom's and Dad's who have been through toddler
Keep the party size small - 3 - 5 toddlers
is a good size. If you have a larger party make sure there are a
lot of adults to help!
Plan for the party to be an hour and a half at the very most.
Anything over 1 1/2 hours is pushing what a toddler can handle.
Schedule the party for after nap time.
Ask parents of the toddlers to stay for the party. You
can set up an adult area with soda's and snacks
just for them to enjoy.
Birthday party themes
for Toddlers