Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Party

Great ideas for a
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle party!
Choose the ideas that are the best for your guests age and party
Cowabunga Dudes!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles party supplies
from Amazon
Leonardo - Blue
Raphael - Red
Donatello - Purple
Michelangelo - Orange
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Games
The best tmnt party games for boys and girls of all ages!
Pizza Box Relay
Teams compete against each other by racing, one team member at a time,
from the starting point around a designated cone and back to the
starting point, while holding a pizza box above their head with one
hand. First team who has all their team members
complete the course wins!
Make it more fun by adding one or more of these
fun game variations:
After each round make the race harder by adding pizza boxes - 1st round
1 box, 2nd round 3 boxes, 3rd round 5 boxes and so forth.
Instead of carrying the pizza box above their head with one hand they
have to balance the box on their head.
Carry the pizza box with both hands while balancing a marble on top of
the box. If the marble falls off they have to go back to the start
and begin again.
Have players do Ninja moves on their way to and from the turn around
point such as: Karate kicks or ground rolls.
TMNT Sword Relay
Played like a relay race between two teams. Each team has a sword
and they must balance a foil wrapped chocolate coin (or anything round
and flat like a checker) on the flat part of the sword from the starting
point, around a cone (or other object) and then back to the starting
point where they hand the sword off to another player. To
make this more of a challenge for older children or to make each round
more difficult add coins to the sword. If there are different ages
at the party each player must carry 1 coin per year - 8 year old would
try to carry 8 coins.
TMNT Bo Staff Race
Divide players into two teams. Each team will need 2 foam pool
noodles and a ping pong ball. One at a time the players will
hold the ping pong ball between the two pool noodles at one end while
holding on to the other end of the noodles and race from the starting
point, around a cone and then back to the starting point where they will
hand the noodles and the ball off to the next player in line.
If they drop the ball then they have to go back to the starting line and
try again. The longer the pool noodles are they harder the
game will be. Make a pair of nunchakus for each guest / player from paper towel tubes
(paint them black if you want to) and a piece of string 10 inches long.
Attach the paper towel tubes together at one end with the string so that
there is about 8 inches of string between the tubes.
players into teams and have each team line up in a long line from one
side of the playing field to the other. At one end of the line set
a bowl of marbles ... at the other end of each line place an empty bowl.
On go the first player in line will take a marble and put it in one of
his nunchakus and roll it down the middle of the tube and then transfer
it to the other paper towel tube. Then they will transfer
the marble to the next player in line and they will transfer the marble
between their tubes and pass it to the next player. The goal
is to get the most marbles transferred to the end bowl. Set a time
limit of 5 or 10 minutes. If a marble is dropped during the
transfer it can not be put back into play.
Ninja Chop
Players use only chopsticks to move a marble from one bowl to another
bowl as fast as they can. Give each guest a pair of chopsticks and
place the same number and size marbles in a paper bowl. Give them
another paper bowl to transfer the marbles into. For older kids and for
more of a challenge have them play this game blindfolded or make it a
team game by having two players work together.
Decorate pizza boxes with different point amounts - 10, 20, 30, 40 and
50 points. Line the boxes up so that the 10 point box
is the closest and easiest for the kids to reach. Give
players plastic ninja stars (or use green bean bags or Frisbees) and let
them each have 5 turns to get as many points as possible by throwing the
stars into the boxes. Once they have done a round move them
back a few feet so it becomes harder.
Variation: Hang hula hoops from string from trees and
have the players throw Frisbees (manhole covers) through the hoops for
Mutant Ninja Obstacle Course
Set up an obstacle course in the backyard that the TMNT players will
have to complete. Compete as teams or individually using a
stop watch. Set up obstacles such as tunnels to crawl
through, walls to jump over, boxes that are stacked so they have to be
knocked down with a sword, backyard slide (sewer tunnel), etc.
Find more party games to choose from on these pages:
Party games for ages 7, 8 and 9
Party Games for 5 and 6 year olds
Birthday games for 10, 11 and 12 years old
Ninja Turtle Games
TMNT Guessing Game
This is a fun ice breaker game that is played at the start of the
birthday party
while the guests are arriving. Before the party begins
fill a large glass or clear
plastic jar with green candy, such as green gumballs, and place on the
lid. As the kids are arriving
ask them how many candies they think are in the jar.
Write down their name and their guess on a piece of paper.
The party guest who guesses the number closest to the actual number of
in the jar wins! Give the jar of green candy
as the prize to the winner or give them small toy or treat.
Count the candies as you are filling the jar and write
it down so it's not forgotten after the party.
Secret Sticker Game
Before the party purchase
TMNT stickers so that every person will have a sheet with 8 to
12 stickers. When guests are
arriving for the birthday party give them a sheet of stickers. The
object of the game is to get rid of all their stickers by placing them
on other party guests without the guest knowing or getting caught.
If they are caught placing a sticker on another guest they have to take all the
stickers off the party guest who caught them and try and place them on
other kids. Only one sticker at a time. The first
child who gets rid of all their stickers wins!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Activities
To begin the party give each guest a TMNT costume.
A large
green t-shirt will work well for boys and girls. Make belts
from t-shirt material, felt or fleece by simply cutting strips of
fabric. They might also like to tie some on their arms.
Make an easy TMNT mask from t-shirt, felt or fleece (these fabrics won't
fray) ... cut the eye holes out before the party. Make
sure to have several choices for each party guest so they can choose the
turtle color they like the best. You can also make
some headbands for the guests who don't like to wear masks.
TMNT Scavenger Hunt
Before the party hide green plastic eggs (turtle eggs!) all around the
birthday party area or backyard.
Inside each "Turtle egg" place a small prize or candy. Give
guests a paper bag and let them search for all the eggs they can find.
Variation: Instead of prizes or candy place a
number on the inside of each egg. After the scavenger hunt is over
they can turn in their eggs and get a prize that corresponds with the
number in the egg. Or if there are younger guests you
can hide assorted colors of turtle eggs and assign each guest a color.
They can only pick up their color of egg.
Ninja Piñata
All kids love a piñata at a birthday party! Buy or make a
piñata and fill with green candies and small TMNT toys. Give each
guest a green paper bag to hold their candy. Take turns
starting with the smallest / youngest to the oldest hitting the piñata
until it breaks. The Make ninjas for the kids to defeat by blowing
up black balloons with helium and attaching a black mask to each one.
Tie 4 to 5 feet of curling ribbon to the balloon and anchor it to the
floor with weighted containers. Party guests can “fight” the
ninjas with foam swords.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Party Food Ideas
Let the guests make their own mini pizzas - Set out small individual
size pizza crusts or English muffins can be used as a crust.
Set out toppings and let the guests make their own pizza. Serve
pepperoni, ham, pineapple, black olives, onions and mozzarella cheese.
For an added treat you can pick up small pizza boxes from your local
pizza place and serve guests the pizza they made in their own pizza box.
Write their name on the box and they can take home leftovers in the box
after the party. they made in their own pizza box.
Write their name - Green Kool-aid, sports drinks or make a foamy punch
with ginger ale and ice cream.
Jell-O Jigglers slime squares - make
Jell-O Jigglers with lime Jell-O and
cut into squares
Oreos - Jigglers slime squares - make Jello Jigglers with lime jello and
cut into squares
Oreos - look like sewer manhole covers
Marsh Slimemallows - Put large marshmallows on sticks and dip into
water. Shake off water and then dip marshmallow into green sugar
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Decoration Ideas
Cover tables with Lime Green Turtle plastic tablecloths and use the 4
character colors (Red, Blue, Orange and Purple) for plates, cups and
Cover tables with black plastic tablecloths and use lime green plates,
cups and flatware.
Place a kids play tunnel at the front door or entranced to the party so
guests have to enter through the sewer pipes.
Use a plastic table cloth and gather it up at each end. Cut large
eye holes out of the center and hang it up on the wall or the party food
table to look like a large TMNT mask.
Green and black helium balloons.
Party Favor Ideas
Containers of green slime
Green bottles of bubbles
TMNT items such as pencils, stickers, candy
Turtle eggs (plastic green eggs) filled with green gumballs
Goody / Loot Bag Ideas
Glue a TMNT mask to plain green paper bags
Green Chinese food containers
Wrap party favors in a green bandana and tie with black ribbon
Fun Ideas for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Party
Have your party hosted at a local Karate School.
Jungle Party
Boys Party Idea
Bounce House Help