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Ideas for the "You Must" Bowling Game



You Must bowling party game for kids, tweens, teens and adults
Print out these ideas for the "You Must" bowling game. 

There 25 funny and crazy suggestions for kids to try when they are at a bowling party.  This game is a great icebreaker and fun for those bowling and for everyone watching. 

Cut the ideas into separate pieces

Fold so that no one can read the piece of paper.

Place in a jar or container.

During one round of bowling players must choose a piece of paper from the jar and then bowl like it says to.  

If the paper says "bowl like a ballerina" then they must do twirls or ballerina steps as they are going up the lane to release their ball. 





Lots of fun for all age groups of boys and girls. 

Free to print out and use for your next party.


More Bowling party ideas for Bowling themed decorations, invitations, party favors, goody bags, party food, activities and more games to play while you are bowling or at a bowling birthday  party - bowling party games






You Must Bowl ...


1.  Bowl like a ballerina


2.  Bowl like a football player


3.  Bowl like Frankenstein


4.  Use a granny shot (two hands)


5.  Frog hop


6.  Bowl like a very old person


7.  Bowl like a rock star


8.  Bowl while turning in circles


9.  Bowl blindfolded


10. Bowl like a prize fighter


11. Bowl with your feet


12. Bowl while standing on one foot


13. Bowl without using your legs


14. Bowl while dancing


15. Bowl like a soccer player


16. Act like the birthday child


17. Sing a nursery rhyme


18. Bowl like you are playing hopscotch


19. Bowl like you are a rabbit


20. Bowl without using your arms or hands


21. Bowl like the ball is super heavy


22. Bowl while holding the hand of a friend


23. Bowl through the legs of 3 people


24. Bowl like your favorite actor (let the crowd guess who you are)


25. Bowl while singing Happy Birthday


Bowling party









Truth or Dare

Sidewalk Chalk

Water Balloons


Backyard Games

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