Valentines Party Games

Valentines Party Games
and Activities
Fun games, activities
and ideas for Valentines Day parties and classroom parties!
Great for boys and girls, kids, tweens and
teenage parties.
Easy and inexpensive games (most have free
Valentine's Day themed lists to print out) with set up and
playing instructions.
Free scavenger hunt list to print out!
Valentine's Day party supplies
from Amazon
Enjoy these easy and fun game and activity
ideas at any Valentines Day party or themed birthday party.
Valentines Party Games
Valentines Day Scavenger Hunt
There are 30 fun Valentine things to hunt for in this Scavenger Hunt!
To play divide guests in to 2 teams. Both teams will need a copy of the scavenger hunt list.
Give each team a container (basket, extra large Ziploc baggie) to hold the items they find and a pen or pencil to cross off things they collect.
Assign one team odd number houses and the other team even numbered houses to avoid both teams visiting the same houses.
Set a time limit ( 1 - 1.5 hours) and give the first team that arrives before the time limit has expired a 5 point bonus. A team that arrives after the time limit receives a 1 point
penalty for each minute they are late.
Each item can be worth 1 point, or you can assign more points to items that are harder to find. One item per house. For safety make sure an
adult stays with each group.
Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt List
1. An item that is pink
2. A store coupon with an expiration date in February
3. 14 red things - can't be the same item twice
4. A heart sticker
5. Picture of Cupid
6. Arrow
7. Pink stuffed bear
8. Chocolate kiss
9. Cologne sample
10. Red, pink or purple tissue paper
11. Ring
12. Conversation heart candy
13. Item with an X on it
14. Item with an O on it
15. Rose
16. Valentines Day Card
17. Paper heart or flower
18. Red, pink or white balloon
19. Item with "Love" on it
20. Wedding invitation
21. Rubber band - red, pink or white
22. Heart Cookie
23. Shopping Bag - red or pink
24. Red or pink candle
25. Love Poem
26. Queen of Hearts (playing card)
27. Empty box of chocolates
28. Lyrics to a romantic song
29. Plastic Champagne glass
30. Restaurant menu
Valentine Day Minute To Win It Games
15 of the best Minute to Win It Games with a Valentine's Day
theme -
Valentine's Day Minute
To Win It Game
Valentine's Day
Would You Rather Game
Fun game with free printable questions! Ask players "Would you
Rather" and they have to choose from 2 funny answers. Great for
classroom parties and large groups. -
Valentine's Day
Would You Rather Game
Valentine's Day
Copy the Valentine's Day charades ideas onto
pieces of paper. Assign someone that is not playing the game
to keep score and be the time keeper. Place the charade ideas into
a basket, box or bag. Divide players into two teams.
Choose a team to go first and they will have one of their players choose
a charade from the container. They then have one minute to
act out the charade they picked and have their team guess what they are
acting out. After a 1 minute the time keeper will call time
and the other team can guess the charade. Team that answers
correctly receives 1 point. The first team to reach 10 points is the
winner. For a free list and detailed directions see our
Valentine's Day Charades Game
Candy Conversation
Heart Charade Game
This game is played just like the Valentines
Charade game (see above), but instead of writing out the ideas on pieces
of paper you use the candy conversation hearts.
the candies in a bag and have the players act out what is written on the
Before the game starts make sure the heart candies are not
Valentine's Day
Cupcake Walk
A fun game that is just like a cake walk
only you use individual cupcakes for prizes.
For the game floor you will need a large area.
Cut out 25 large hearts from poster board or construction paper and
number them 1 through 25. Cut out smaller hearts and number them 1
through 25. Place these in a basket or bag.
Arrange the large hearts on the floor in a heart pattern.
Have the players stand on a heart and when the music begins the players
walk from one heart to the next one way in a circle. Stop
the music and pull a number from the basket. The players who
is standing on the number of the heart that is pulled wins a cupcake.
That player sits down and the game continues until everyone has received
a cupcake.
Counting Kisses
Fill a large see-through container with several
bags of chocolate kisses (or other valentine candy such as conversation
hearts, chocolate hearts or red hots for a real challenge!) making sure
to count each candy as it is placed in the container. Write
the number of candies in the jar on a piece of paper and put it in a
safe place. Ask players to write down their name and a guess
of how many pieces of candy are in the jar on a piece of red paper.
After everyone has had a chance to write down a guess tell everyone the
real number of candies in the jar and find who guessed the closest to
that number. As a prize the winner can receive the jar
of candy!
X's and 0's Tic Tac
Create a very large square tic tac toe board from
butcher paper, two poster boards or a table cloth. The lines
for the tic tac toe square can be easily made using duct tape.
Use pink and red bean bags (or paint rocks red and pink) for the
markers. The players have 5 bean bags each and take their 5
turns at one time trying to make 3 in a row vertically, diagonally or
To play with teams write "o's" and "x's" on each
bean bag and by taking turns see who can win at tic tac toe.
Crowded Musical
A great game for kids of all ages and especially
funny with a large group. Play just as you would the game of
Musical Chairs however after each round a chair is removed from the game
and all the players remain. Players have to double up and will
have to sit on others laps when the music stops. Everyone
will win in the end and the game progressively gets harder each round.
Conversation Heart
Give each player a cupful of Candy Conversation
Hearts and see who can make the tallest stack.
Another fun way to play is to set a timer to 5
minutes and see who can make their stack the tallest. Some
stacks will come crashing down and give others a chance to catch up!
Gather players and have them stand in a large
circle. Give a red ball or bean bag to one of the players
and tell them to call out another players name and then toss the ball to
them. The person who catches the ball then calls out another
players name and tosses the ball to them.
Once the players have the concept down put another
ball in play so that they are throwing 2 balls in the circle. Then
after a few rounds add another ball. You can add as many
balls as the kids can handle. The game is very exciting and
fun ... and can get a little crazy!
Valentine's Day Charades
Valentine's Day
Pictionary Game
Garden Party
Spring Would You Rather
Valentines Would You
RatherSt. Patrick's Day Games