Treasure Island Party Ideas
Birthday party ideas for a Treasure Island Birthday
Party Theme
Set sail for a fun adventure with these
Treasure Island birthday party ideas.
Treasure Island Party
Treasure Island Scurry
Cut out five large shapes out of poster board - about 12“ x 14“.
Decorate them to look like small islands. Tell the pirates they must use
only these five islands to get from one end of the room to the other (or
if playing outside make the space at least 25 feet).
They must take the
four pieces and move their team by having everyone stand on the pieces
together, taking the back piece … moving it to the front and so on. If
they step in the “water” then they must start at the beginning. No one
can be left behind - they must all move together.
Treasure Island Treasure Teams race using treasure island
pieces to move from one area over to another area. Teams only have one
more piece then the total number of kids on their team to play the game
Give teams pieces of paper (these are the islands). The treasure
hunters have to line up in a line and put the pieces one in front of the
other while they stand on them - moving the back island piece to the
line's front so they can move forward.
Cannonball War
Make 2 "Ships" from cardboard boxes or plywood (decorate, name and
cutout portholes) Place in yard facing one another with a large blue
tarp in between for water. Divide kids into 2 teams and provide with
cannonballs (100+ black water-filled balloons!) Let the chaos ensue!!
If you don't want to use water balloons make cannons out of balled up
newspaper wrapped in black hockey-tape.
Treasure Island Birthday Invitations
Make a fun pirate party invitation by drawing a treasure map (a map of
your neighborhood made to look like an island with an
X to mark the spot of the party location) and then below it
printing the party information on parchment paper. Then very
carefully burn a little bit of the paper all the way around the
edge. Large brown grocery bags will also make a great looking
invitation done the same way.
Attach party information to a bag of
chocolate gold coins.
Another fun invitation idea is a message in a bottle.
empty water bottles and remove the label. Fill with a little
sand and a few shells - then place the invitation (or you could
put in a treasure map) inside. Put the cap on and hand out to
invited guests.
Make an invitation that looks like a treasure chest or large gold
Treasure Island party
supplies from Amazon
Treasure Island Party Decoration Ideas
Make the party entrance look like a treasure map by
placing 8 - 10" strips of black duct tape in a broken line starting at
the curb and looping around the walk up to the front door.
Place a large cardboard or poster board "X" on the front door to show everyone
where the party is located. Scatter sand and seashells near the
party entrance and make a sign from poster board that says "Welcome to
Treasure Island
Decorate the Treasure Island with palm trees, sand, treasure chests and
gold coins.
Sprinkle sand and chocolate foil wrapped coins on the party table.
Serve snacks in giant seashells. Hang fishing nets from the walls.
Fun Ideas for a Treasure Island Party
It wouldn't be a Treasure Island party without a treasure hunt!
Make clues that lead the treasure hunters from one area of the house to
the next. The clues should be
hard enough that they have to think, but easy enough for children to
figure out.
make the treasure hunt last longer we always make the guests do a challenge or game to get the next clue at each station. Once
they finish the challenge then they get the clue to the next
Some great
activities and challenges would
Gold Coin Toss - Guests must toss coins into a treasure chest before they can get their
next clue.
Parrot Piñata - Fill the piñata with candies and small prizes and a clue to the next
location on the treasure map.
Let the pirates take turns trying to open
the piñata.
Treasure Island Obstacle Course
Make all the party guests complete the obstacle course before they can
get their next clue and move on in the treasure hunt. Set up the
course using anything you have on hand such as a swing set, trampoline,
garden hose, empty cardboard boxes etc.
Treasure Island Party Activities
Paint small wooden treasure chests. Buy several styles of
wooden treasure chests and let the party guests paint them and embellish
them with stick on jewels when the paint is dry.
Scavenger Hunt
Neighborhood scavenger hunts are also fun at a Treasure Island birthday
party. For 2 free scavenger hunt item lists to print out see our
Scavenger Hunt page.
Treasure Island
Party Food Ideas
Make Treasure map mini pizzas - on the crust use cheese as sand, strips
of red bell pepper as the "X", slices of black olives for the broken
line trail that leads to the "X", green pepper strips for palm tree
leaves and sausage for rocks or mountains.
Macaroni & cheese using the Shells style of pasta.
Goldfish crackers in upside down pirate hats.
Fill small clear plastic cups with blue Jello - add Swedish fish
Fruit kabobs - skewer pieces of cut up strawberries, pineapples and
bananas on pretzels.
Octopus Hot Dogs - cut hotdogs long ways into 8 strips … leaving 1” at
the end uncut.
Place in the microwave to
heat - the 8 hotdog “legs” will curl up while cooking and will look like an
Party Favors
The loot from the Treasure Hunt
Piggy Bank
Goody Bags
Black Chinese takeout boxes with skull and bones stickers
on the side
Small treasure chests
Take brown lunch sacks and crumple them into a ball ... then lay
out flat. Attach a thank you note made from red scrapbook

We found this fun Treasure
Island cake on