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Jackpot Football Game

Rules and directions on how to play the football game Jackpot






What You Need To Play Jackpot

Several players


Object of the Jackpot Game

Throw passes that are worth different amounts of points for each one.


Set up the Jackpot Game

Decide who will throw the ball first.  


Determine what the winning number will be - 500 is a good number to start.  The winning number is the number that the winning player will reach first from totaling up their scores.



Determine Bankrupt numbers - if at anytime your point total adds up to these amounts you loose all your points and have to start from zero.

Usually 100, 300 and 450 are bankrupt numbers. 

All other players run away from the first player to throw the ball.  Players prepare to catch the football that is thrown.

How To Play Jackpot


How to Play
The thrower then throws the football and at the same time yells out a number (25, 100, 30...).  This is the point value of the throw and all the players try to catch the ball.  


The player that catches the ball gets the points and is the new thrower. 


Players can not go over the set winning number or they go bankrupt and have to start again.  The thrower can also call out "Bankrupt" as he throws the ball and anyone who catches it loses all their points. 



Variations Of The Jackpot Football Game

 Along with a number called out when throwing the ball the thrower can call out different ways the ball must be caught such as: handcuffs - ball has to be caught behind the back, seal - ball has to be caught with the palms only, freeze - players have to freeze and catch the ball where they are standing.  If the ball is caught differently then what the thrower calls out the catcher loses all their points. 







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