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Hopscotch Game


hopscotch board


What you need to play Hopscotch

 Sidewalk, driveway or any concrete surface to draw the game board. 
Sidewalk chalk
Small stones or rocks for children to use as markers. 




Object of the Game

Move from the start square and back again.



How To Play the Hopscotch Game



To begin

 Draw a hopscotch game layout on the concrete with chalk. Number the squares from one to 10. There are many different varieties and you can make up your own. Each player chooses a rock for their marker.


The two basic rules to remember are that you can only have 1 foot in each square and remember to hop over the square with the rock in it.

sidewalk hopscotch board

First player throws their rock onto the first square.

They then hop over that square to the second square on one foot.

On double squares you must land with your feet side by side.

Turn around and come back the same way only when you get to the square with your rock you must balance on one foot and pick up your rock. If completed with no mistakes then the player goes again and throws their rock to the 2 square and so on.

You may not at any time: step on a line, miss a square or lose your balance. If you do any of those three things your turn is over.

If while throwing the rock you miss the right square or it lands touching a line then you lose your turn.

Hopscotch Game Variations
Make some squares special by giving special directions for that square.  Write fun things like jump, spin 3 times, jumping jacks etc. that the player has to do while in that square. 







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Sidewalk Chalk

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Backyard Games

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